Well we have been to many games now for her older sister Abby who has played 2 seasons of soccer, and begins her third with the same team (Fall, Winter/Indoor, & Spring). And Vera has happily and excitedly expressed her interest in playing soccer as well, so we have obliged to allow her to experience it in her 3 year old bracket of "Bee-Hive" soccer. It is amusing to watch the kids swarm around in huddles following the ball in a flurry of jerseys and kicks, to follow it to the next point of contact to repeat until a goal is scored.
So far Vera seems to be very excited to play, and her sisters are equally as amazing cheer leaders; Paisley even wants to be out there with V chasing around the ball. At the end of this season we will see how this shakes out, and how she feels about it then. She definitely liked the social aspect of it.